I have a book in Chinese! — A. H. Lee

I have a book in Chinese!

Dear Reader who may enjoy both my author names,

Above you see the artwork for the Chinese translations of The Knight and the Necromancer from DXD Press. The artwork they commissioned is absolutely gorgeous. Furthermore, the first book went live today, so if you want to see The Knight and the Necromancer in Chinese, here it is!


The publisher's website (DxD Press)

I feel compelled to add that there are no current plans for a paper version, and this is an ebook, not a graphic novel. The covers are so beautiful that people have been getting confused about these details. If the books do well, a paper version might happen, and if that occurs, I will certainly let you know. I would love to see this artist do a graphic novel of my work, but that's a completely different undertaking. The artist goes by Biubiu. The cover designer for the first two books is Littlemoo. The cover designer for the third book is Kirkland.

But wait! There's more! The publisher politely asked whether I had a map, because they wanted to commissioned one. *insert awkward hand-wringing* Guys, I knew I should have commissioned a map for that story. I knew, but it was March 2020, and I didn't know when I would work again and I couldn't afford it. So there's an excuse, but...I have no excuse for not drawing one! What was wrong with me? I usually draw one. Everything is very neatly contained in my head while I'm writing, but since then I've written some 400,000 words of fiction in 3 other universes, and I have forgotten the details of Mistala, Lamont, and Falcosta's geography. *weeps*

So I painstaking dug through my own novel, reconstructed Roland and Sairis's world, and drew several maps for the publisher. They then turned my scribblings into something professional-looking. They generously sent it to me and told me I'm welcome to share it with my readers. The image above is high resolution, so zoom in if you like.

A final note: I'm really flattered that this publisher chose to launch my book during Pride Month. Their entire catalogue is LGBTQ+. Every one of their titles qualify. But they chose to launch K&N in June. If you know anyone who might enjoy these books in Chinese, please point them to DXD Press.

What else is going on?

  • Because I can (apparently) never have too many spinning plates in the air, I have started another Hunters Universe story. (I know, I know, but the characters would not leave me alone.) I've posted the first chunk at the $5 Patreon level, where this story will live for a while. This one doesn't have a name yet. It happens about 2 years after Arcove's Bright Side. Halvery loses a challenge fight. There are serious repercussions. If you didn't read Bright Side when I was drafting it, wait and read that before diving into this one.

  • How can you read Bright Side? Well, right now, you can't, because I've taken the draft down. But it is in final edits and will be live in ebook before the end of the month. The pre-order is here.

  • I am also still working on the first Sleipner book. If you want to follow along in real time (read the draft as I write it), you can do that at the $1 level on my Patreon. So now there's new draft content for both Abigail Hilton fans AND A. H. Lee fans on Patreon. Surprise?

  • As I mentioned last week, I've created a First-in-Series Sampler in my store that will allow you to try all my series, including The Knight and the Necromancer, Incubus, Hunters Universe, Pirates of Wefrivain, Prophet of Panamindorah, and Eve and Malachi. It's quite a lot of content.

  • The Pirates of Wefrivain Books are still not correct on Audible. Specifically, books 3 and 4 have not been updated with the new material. If you want them as I intended them, please get them from me.

  • "Distraction" audiobook (Hunters Universe Book 3) continues running in the Patreon feed. We're about to finish this very emotional story. Rish Outfield did a fantastic job recording this one. After the final episode, there's a long author's note, followed by a bonus story ("Hungry").

Yours, an Author who is now writing Two New Things,
