Hello, Dear Reader who would probably like the book NOW,
Above, you see Mochi and Taro - devoted birdwatchers. Mochi is telling Taro that they are definitely looking at a Townsend's Warbler and not a Hermit Warbler. Taro says that either way, he'd like to hear it warble from between his paws.
In book news, I have finished Cormorant edits! The final ebook is uploaded, but I'd like to have the paper appear at the same time. My designer and I are very close to having the cover done, so I have not released the pre-order yet.
A couple of time-sensitive items:
Hunters Unlucky has been in Kindle Unlimited for a while, but I'm pulling it out at the end of December. I'm thinking I might release a version on my own website that includes my notes from when I was writing it. I also might try some bundling with the new novels and stories. For me to do that, it can't be exclusive to the Zon. If you have KU and you think you might want to read that book, put it in your library before Dec 29.
Item the second - If you want The Cormorant Retro paper version, you need to order that pronto. This book will match the old series. I will not stock this book. If you don't order it by Dec 20, you will not get one.
Other spinning plates:
I'm writing on Arcove's Bright Side again. I messed up my wrist doing all that editing, so I couldn't jump straight back into the writing, but I'm getting there.
Cover design/lettering for Lullaby is done. I have cover art for Bright Side. Art for Monthly Distraction is in progress.
Rish is about to begin recording the audio of Lullaby.
I just got the sketch art for the Adagio collection (this is an image of Sham and Chance).
I'm about to start getting inks of a new cover for the Knight and the Necromancer complete series (so it will finally have a paper edition of the enormous brick variety, heh).
I just heard an update from the small press that is translating The Knight and the Necromancer into Chinese. They gave me a peak at the cover, and wow! The Chinese version is going to have an awesome cover, folks.
As you can see, there's a lot of art on that list. Hopefully you get to see more of it soon.
Yours, an author with so much art on the way,