Does anyone still read this?

Hello, anyone who's still reading my blog!

The last time I posted here was April, and I have published and written a ton of stuff since then. I'm active on Facebook (both my author page and the group) and on Patreon (I release free posts as well as paid, so that free followers can stay up to date). People on my mailing list also get all the latest news.

It is my impression that nearly everyone who wants to hear what I'm doing follows me in one of those 3 places. It's hard enough to remember to post news in all 3 places. Since it's my impression that very few people read my blog, it as fallen by the wayside. More and more, I think of my blog as a place to put posts that are too big and cumbersome for Facebook (and then direct Facebook traffic here) and/or evergreen posts that I want to find easily later (such as year-in-review).

I certainly don't want to leave anyone out of the loop. If you follow me only on my blog, please let me here from you. If you thought the last thing I released was Jager Thunder, speak up! Otherwise, I'm going to assume that this is mostly a redundant source of information for people. 

I've written and published more this year than in any year since I've been keeping records and I hope 2018 will be even bigger. I'm putting more time into writing. That's one of the reasons I've restricted my digital activities to places where most of my fans are located.

Again, if this blog is how you follow me, if you have no idea what I've released otherwise, comment or send me an email so that I know you exist.
