Panamindorah on Audible and iTunes

Hello, Readers and Listeners!

When I ask how you prefer to get audio, most of you answer "" or "iTunes." So, I have obliged. "Sky Dance" has been available in all these places for a while, but now "The Secret" and "Chemistry" are available there as well.

Secret Things - Short Stories from Panamindorah, Volume 2 is also available in audio and contains all the Cowry Catchers short stories to date - Sky Dance, Professionals (the fullcast version), Chemistry, and The Secret.

Here are links for the new formats:

Secret Things - Short Stories from Panamindorah Volume 2 - Amazon Text, Amazon Audio, Audible, iTunes


Chemistry - Amazon Audio, Audible, iTunes


The Secret - Amazon Audio, Audible, iTunes

Finally, all of my ebooks are now available in the iBookstore. If you have been waiting to purchase them there, wait no longer. Do a search for "Abigail Hilton," and they'll all come up.

I know that what many of you really want to know is: When will Cowry Catchers 5 be available in audio? The answer is: Before the end of the year...probably. I will give a specific release date when I'm close enough to estimate it with convidence. For now, I'm in the thick of audio editing.

Meanwhile, paper versions of the Prophet books are shaping up to be really pretty, both inside and outside. Those should be available well before the end of the year.

Thanks for supporting  my work!

Edit: If you're trying to figure out the cheapest way to get these, I'll give you the short cut. If you have an Audible membership, the individual stories are $4.86 (all except the fullcast of "Professionals," which is not available separately), and the collection is $10.46. If you buy them anywhere else, they're a couple of dollars more--not astronomically more, but a little bit. I have no control over these price points. However, they are not substantially different from the ones I chose selling the stories through dropbox, so that's a relief.

If you're wondering where the audio for Short Stories from Panamindorah Volume 1 is located, it's free from :) The solo-read of "Professionals" is in that collection.