Pretty, Pretty Roup - Newsletter
Hello, Dear Reader who probably also likes art,
I'm sending you this missive from the depths of Editing Hell. This is the fiddly, final 10% of producing any book that is no fun. If I was a hobbyist, I would never do this part. But I am a professional (damnit), so I do this bit so that you, gentle reader, can enjoy a book that is (mostly) free of typographical errors.
Specifically, I'm about 2/3 of the way through Cormorant edits. I am desperately hoping that I can declare victory in my next newsletter. I would like to get back to writing Arcove's Bright Side, which I had to stop in order to get Cormorant completely polished.
But I'm teasing you, aren't I? Who is that beautiful golden cat at the top of the page? If you've read Hunters Unlucky, you probably recognize Roup. This is cover art from the marvelously talented Iben Krutt for upcoming new Hunters content.
You can see the full artwork here.
Finally, a time-sensitive reminder: If you want The Cormorant Retro paper version, you need to order that pronto. This book will match the old series. It is a specialty item. So far, only 7 people have ordered it, and I need 10 to actually pay for the cover. I will not stock this book. If you don't order it by Dec 20, you will not get one.
Yours, an author who would rather be writing,